What is NRG's support policy?

NRG understands how critical shipping is to your business, therefore we are committed to providing the best support possible to our customers.

We highly recommend that you signup for notifications of carrier issues on our Status Page.

You can open a support ticket with NRG by contacting us at 866-951-3124 Monday thru Friday, 8am - 5pm (CST),  or by submitting an email 24/7. If you can't get through to a person via phone, be sure to leave a message, but we also recommend that you submit your ticket via email.

When submitting a ticket, please be as specific as possible, noting the error and providing us with a screen shot, if possible.  NRG will acknowledge your support issue within 1 business day, but typically we are able respond quicker than that.  We process support issues in priority of when they are submitted, however we will make exceptions for customers who are unable to ship at all. 

Once we review your support request, we will determine if it is a bug, a system issue, a feature request or a billable project and respond appropriately. When possible, we will try to schedule a support session with you in order to provide the best possible service.

Please Note:

  • Support covers answering questions pertaining to NRGship software and includes user training, general troubleshooting and resolution of error codes, printer and scale configuration, and development integration asistance (Questions and answer, not actual development services)
  • Included support is based on current NRGship releases
  • If NRG staff is providing support for older OS or FileMaker versions it may be determined to be a billable event (See below)
  • Software integration and development services, update assistance, custom feature requests, and support responses that require attention outside of standard support hours are not included and are billed separately at $150 per hour (Charged in quarter hour increments)
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