Can I use the UPS label image on an integrated invoice or packing slip?

When UPS for FileMaker is integrated with your FileMaker Pro database, the UPS shipping label can be easily placed onto your own FileMaker Pro layout so that it can appear alongside invoice or packing slip information for output to custom laser printed label forms. Post shipment, the image can be "copied" into your own table via set field (ex: Set Field "Your Field" = UPS_Packages::Response_GraphicImage) or you can drop in the related field directly onto your layout. 

The image field should be sized to 287x430 and then rotated per the sample below.

Click for Larger View of Integrated Sample
Click on Image to View a Larger Version

In the sample above, the packing slip is printed to a custom 4x6 1 UP label from

Note that for shipments when you have more than one package, the UPS_Packages table occurrence should be used so that you get a label for each package.

Caution: Image size should be approximately 4"x6" when output. Customer is responsible to insure scannability of the UPS label.

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