How do I print a Daily Manifest in NRGship UPS Shipping Software?

UPS for FileMaker and NRGship UPS Pro 

Navigate to the Shipping List window.  From there, you will see an icon on the top menu to create a daily shipping manifest.  This report provides shipment details for the current day.  You can also change the date to any other day and generate the report. 

The history icon will bring you to a searchable list of all your shipments.  You can search and export the shipping history, however there is no printed Daily Manifest report. 

Note: The Daily Shipping Manifest is provided for you as a report for your internal shipping management needs.  It is not the same as an End of Day report in UPS WorldShip.  When using NRGship UPS Shipping Software there is no need to produce an End of Day Report for your UPS driver as all your shipment information is transmitted electronically for each individual shipment at the same time that it is processed in the shipping software.

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